On Thursday, Sri Lanka's rupee commenced trading stronger against the US dollar, opening at 296.50/80 compared to Tuesday's 297.50/298.50, as reported by dealers.
Dealers noted that bond yields remained relatively stable during the trading session.
Specific bond movements included a bond maturing on 15.12.2026, which was quoted at 10.80/90 percent, slightly up from 10.80/85 percent previously.
Similarly, a bond maturing on 15.09.2027 saw a slight increase, quoted at 11.15/30 percent compared to 11.15/25 percent earlier.
Conversely, a bond maturing on 15.03.2028 experienced a slight decrease, quoted at 11.55/65 percent, down from 11.55/70 percent previously.
Meanwhile, a bond maturing on 15.05.2030 was quoted at 12.20/25 percent, compared to 12.10/20 percent previously.
In the stock market, the Colombo Stock Exchange opened with gains, with the All Share Price Index up by 0.17 percent at 12,383, and the S&P SL20 up by 0.34 percent at 3,702.