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Portions of seven areas to get substantial downpours of around 100mm

The common low-level air aggravation situated toward the southeast of Sri Lanka is relied upon to be strengthened into a low-pressure region inside the following not many hours, says the Department of Meteorology. 

Overcast skies can be anticipated over the island. 

Showers or thundershowers will happen on occasion in most pieces of the island. 

Substantial showers around 100 mm can be anticipated at certain spots in Northern, North-Central, Eastern, Uva, Sabaragamuwa, Central and Southern territories. 

In the interim, genuinely substantial showers over 75 mm are logical at certain spots somewhere else. 

The overall population is encouraged to play it safe to limit harms brought about by brief restricted solid breezes and lightning during thundershowers. 

Ocean regions: 

The overarching low-level environmental aggravation situated toward the southeast of Sri Lanka is relied upon to be heightened into a low-pressure region inside the following, not many hours. It is probably going to move west and north toward the west. 

Maritime and fishing networks are encouraged to be mindful in such a manner. 

Showers or thundershowers will happen now and again in the ocean regions around the island. 

Weighty showers might expect a few spots in the remote ocean regions stretching out from Puttalam to Hambantota using Colombo and Galle. 

Winds will be north-westerly or north-easterly in bearing and wind speed will be (35-40) kmph in the ocean regions around the island. 

Wind speed can increment up to (45-50) kmph now and again in the ocean regions stretching out from Kankesanturai to Hambantota using Mannar, Puttalam, Colombo, and Galle. 

The ocean regions stretching out from Kankesanturai to Hambantota using Mannar, Puttalam, Colombo, and Galle can be unpleasant on occasion. The other ocean regions can be genuinely harsh now and again. 

Briefly solid breezy breezes and extremely difficult situations can be anticipated during thundershowers.

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