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Covid: The United States has given full approval to Pfizer's vaccination for children aged five and up.

The Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine for children aged five to eleven has been authorized in the United States, paving the path for millions of young Americans to get vaccinated.

Director Rochelle Wolensky of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) made the decision after careful deliberation by US drug regulators.

The vaccine is already being administered to those aged 12 and up in the United States. This approval affects around 28 million youngsters in the United States.

Experts think that in order to return to regular life, young people must be stabbed.

Expert panels from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) examined the risks and advantages of immunizing children against Covid-19.

Officials from the Food and Drug Administration discovered that the vaccination was 91 percent effective in preventing Covid in young children, and that their immune response was comparable to that of persons aged 16 to 25. Researchers discovered no major adverse effects.

A third of the dose provided to adults is given to children aged five to eleven, posing a new logistical issue for drug suppliers and clinicians. Smaller needles are also utilized, and three weeks following the first jab, a second jab is required.

President Joe Biden said in a statement that the child vaccine "will help parents to stop worrying for months about their children and minimize the extent to which children spread the infection to others."

According to the CDC, nearly 1.8 million Covid cases have been confirmed in children aged five to eleven in the United States. Only about 200 people have died, and the majority of them had underlying medical issues.

Given the prevalence of the Delta variety and the resumption to in-person schooling, some medical professionals believe that vaccinating youngsters is a critical next step in combating the epidemic.

Dr. James Versalovic, pathologist in chief at Texas Children's Hospital, said, "Parents need to realize the necessity of immunization since the pandemic is not done" (TCH).

Since the start of the pandemic, at least 1,500 children have been diagnosed with the virus at TCH, the nation's largest children's hospital, according to Dr. Versalovic. He stated, "No age group has been spared."

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