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Bush, Clinton, and Obama all support assistance for Afghan refugees.

The three former presidents have backed a new coalition of advocacy groups and businesses to assist Afghans in settling in the United States.

Three former US presidents – Republican George W Bush and Democrats Bill Clinton and Barack Obama – have joined forces to support Afghan refugees settling in the US following the recent American withdrawal.

The former US leaders and their wives will be part of Welcome.US, a coalition of advocacy groups, US businesses, and other leaders that will launch on Tuesday, according to a statement from Welcome.US.

The coalition stated that it will mobilize assistance and volunteers to assist the tens of thousands of Afghans departing their nation as part of the Biden administration's evacuation to resettle in the United States.

Many of the exiles have stated that if they had remained in Afghanistan under the Taliban after working with US and ally forces or with American and international NGOs during the 20-year conflict, they would have faced danger.

Following the September 11 attacks on New York and Washington, DC, Bush ordered an invasion of Afghanistan in 2001. The war raged on under Presidents Obama, Donald Trump, and Joe Biden until the United States withdrew on August 31.

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